Wednesday, November 7, 2012

things with me

so because i love all my unknown readers i wanna give you something even during this heavy months of the delay. When i had a myspace page i was frequently bloging shit there so here comes the sooo ’00s part of this blog. have you heard of the wipers? kurt cobain liked them!

-  i was asked to participate in a radio show where i could do anything i want until it’s connected to punk. this was a big dream of mine even though i have speech impediment and willing to do nothing against it. conclusion is if i could succeed you could as well. just stay in your room and instead of having a social life listen to music and have weird thoughts.
-  new total control ep is a killer. hope i can put this into my year’s end list even if they are at sub pop now. wish i could write a year’s end list for mrr if not i will upload it to here. i also wish i couldn’t put them on my list that would mean mrr is still fanatically dedicated to it’s principals. loved when layla wrote about how she only loves cool bands that are independent and not here to make it at all. also we shared a common bummer when i have realized that the compound is not holding any comet gain records cause „people here don’t think they are punk”. definitions.
- new sf band index is a blast too. one of my favorite “wow this is fucking amazing” moments of this year for me was when with two of my good friends we were hanging at Martin’s place which is kinda the limp wrist/neddles hq and while he was amazingly nice and fun and the best host ever jess from brilliant colors/make a mess rec/index was eating a hamburger in one of the flat’s armchairs and she was waiting for us to end the discussion of the upcoming rákosi 7”s cover so she could start hers on putting out martin’s photo book which i’m almost sure is a must have.
- also wtf moment of this year. sitting in a bar with all the mrr guys eating pizza, drinking beer and whisky, showing off tattoos then cause we were at the corner of mrr and they were holding a meeting it was amazing to see the people ran out for the newcomers to invite them in for a drink or for a slice of pizza before discussing the future of punx. like a press gang of a school paper that's saving lives. amazingcore!
-  i wrote a wish list for the ’10s and it’s kinda cool to see how much of it already happened.
- one of them was to get as many free shit as i can. this week i got a box of chocolate flavored soy milk (i’m not vegan and never fucking will be, cause butter and cheese over everything) and an original Black Flag – Damaged tape. Before that I got a tote with a hand drawn meat puppets – in a car cover design. people are rad.
- nowadays i’m fascinated by finnish and japan crust d beat worship bands and neu and the clean. international punk is important especially if it’s from or for the space.
- wish i could up all daying. i hate it that the slightest thing to do which would take like 5 minutes feels like to live up my whole day. sometimes i hate my brain.
- i receive weird messages. but if you like my stuffs poke me on facebook.
- last week i was at a chinese restaurant where i ate some amazing tofu. only thing that was weird it smelled like cat poo. kinda reminded me to a girl in a good way.
- wish i had more confidence at markets also more strength to carry home everything i would buy.
- i’m thinking on starting a tumblr. so i guess i won’t ever.
- I hate my job but afraid to look for another. I’m lonely but so unmotivated to speak with boring girls.
- today i listened to an inspirational speech about how to be a writer. if it would have affected me i guess i would never think i will be a writer. but i also think i never will be a writer. so I wasted my time listening to some dude.
- my new band has a name. we are Norms. if you know a band with the same name don’t tell me it would break our heart. also it’s the band i wanted to do for more than a year now. i loved to play bass in another band but i also love just to sing and dance. write lyrics and perform them. i feel like in a way this band is my comeback. also our name is a tribute to norm macdonald.
- my curse is I can’t watch awesome movies while listening to punk music while reading a book while writing, eating and making out with a girl at a punk/show/abandoned park/pub in a bed all day.
- we made a zine with my room and band mate. he drew I wrote. so he is the artist I’m the sad one. I was afraid that they will fire my from mrr for it but I think they already have them and I got lovely messages today from them. also they have interviewed pettibone and we mostly just ripped him off.
- I love food.
- last week two girls told me they like the things I write. this week I wrote to a band that even though I love them they sucked live when I saw them. Other people are nicer than me.
- Saturday I was walking home through a bridge that was fully covered in autumn mist. the seagulls were circling like crazy and in the middle of the bridge there was a girl in a red boot. standing there still, wondering and looking into the blinding nothing that the mist provided for us. I thought she could be my soul mate but it was 1 am and I had to get up in the morning and work 10 hours the next day so I just walked by. capitalism stole my whatever.
- alright I’m not funny I give up. 

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